I gave my homepage a total redesign (mostly on the system though, as I tried to keep the same stetics) by deciding to implement it completely on Wordpress. This will hopefully lead me to keeping with updates more often, and to upload news/pictures more easiliy (as you can see, the gallery is back up). This also will give you people the chance to comment on here, so feel free to.
I decided to remove the flashy flash at the top of the page, mostly because it's not a very good idea to have it running along my usually prossesor-intensive flash animations. Thus why I changed it to just a gif.
Also, the Intonarumori blog is fused back into the site, as I'm gonna try to keep my attention back in one place. It's basically a collection of things I find neat from the web, along some of my rare game reviews, not really a blog about my doings. (thats what the news section will be for... so expect it to be slow)
I discovered wordpress while searching for a good comic script, which I indeed found (Comicpress), so I'll be hopefully implementing the comic section soon.
As for me, I've been mostly drawing and working, but I hope to get back to doing flash stuff soon, prolly trowin a small flash loop soon.